Svea Wentzler, M.Ed.

Svea Wentzler, M.Ed.

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“I want to help people find where they have power, not help them adjust to oppression.”

I work with adult individuals struggling with the effects of anxiety, worry, depression, shame, trauma, addiction, injustice, heteronormativity, masculinity, productivity, sexism, racism and questions of intersecting identities.

The way these forces interact with each other can often make us feel alone, helpless, and hopeless. In finding solidarity, in discussing the specifics of your struggle, I know that we will be better equipped to find new ways of relating to or fighting the problem.

I specifically studied LGBTQ affirmative therapy to combat the many ways the heteropatriarchy can make queer people feel like the problem. I always invite you to bring in your partner(s), friends, family members or anyone who is an important part of your life.

Who I work with:

The people I work with are, and will always be, the experts on their lives and experience. They have tried their hardest to figure out how to fight the Problem, before they ask for more support. I believe the Problem is the Problem, the client is never the problem.

Taking the next step

You can make an appointment with me by using our online portal at any time or by emailing Our team will be happy to support you in finding an appointment time that works for you!

I provide appointments via telehealth and can offer online appointments to people seeking therapy in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

My rate per 50-minute session is $150.00 & Sliding Scale

I work with..

  • Adult Individuals
  • Single or *Relationship/s
  • *I always welcome clients to bring in whoever might be helpful to have a supported conversation with.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • German

Training & Education

  • Antioch University Los Angeles
  • Masters of Clinical Psychology
  • Concentration LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy
  • Trained In…
  • *LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy
  • *I chose to do my graduate school research on affirmative clinical work with polyamorous and non-monogamous clients.
  • Anti-Black Racism for Clinicians


  • Judgement
  • Identity
  • Relationships
  • Adjusting to Transitions
  • Anxiety
  • Boundaries
  • Clients who are impacted by forces of Patriarchy, White Supremacy, Capitalism and Homophobia

For more information e-mail