The painful memories, the constant rumination, that lump in your throat.
If you are familiar with these feelings, you’ve come to the right place. That’s right, we’re talking about heartbreak.
Read MoreThe painful memories, the constant rumination, that lump in your throat.
If you are familiar with these feelings, you’ve come to the right place. That’s right, we’re talking about heartbreak.
Read MoreFar-reaching goals can be unattainable and can make people feel bad about themselves if and when they fail — and more than half of these yearlong resolutions will fail, according to Emma Mahony, a therapist at Better Life Therapy in Philadelphia and a mental health content creator on TikTok.
Read MoreLet this be a reminder that it’s okay to say “no” when you want to, and to say “yes” to the things that make sense for you during this time. Another persons’s reaction to your boundaries is not on you to “fix” or to take on.
Read MoreHaving boundaries during the holidays can be hard for a lot of couples. Both partners have friends, family, jobs, etc. pulling them in a hundred different directions during the end of the year.
Read MorePACT helps couples create a securely attached relationship, so partners know how to take care of and support one other. In your sessions with your PACT therapist, he or she will help you manage and self-regulate your emotions so you stay within a tolerable space where you can feel your feelings and actually listen and understand one another.
Read MoreCognitive distortions are when we hold illogical thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and about our experiences.
Read MoreBeing a parent is hard. Being a nurse, a teacher, an Amazon delivery person, a blimp conductor (pilot?), or any human being during The Covid Times is hard, but what’s also hard is being confronted with a narrative that the solution to your exhaustion and frustration is, well, pinot noir.
Read MoreThanks to the invention of infinite scrolling, social media platforms present a never-ending loop of heavily diverse content: one second you’re watching a funny cat video and the next you’re viewing disturbing news coverage. And while most of us know we ought to take a break from the mindless scrolling, it still makes logging off more difficult than ever.
Read MoreI believe in this work and how insight can create extraordinary movement. That being said, before we can get to that work, it’s important to start with a basic self-care reflection. Here are a few questions I always ask clients during the first session or two. Give this activity a try at home and see what insights it brings.
Read MoreIt is a fairly common client concern that shows up in therapy - the question "why is it taking me so long to decide”. Often this concern is presented with a sigh of frustration, sadness, a touch of shame. If we take too long to decide, we are somehow automatically procrastinating? That just doesn’t seem fair, it doesn’t tell the whole story.
Read MoreWhen experiencing grief you could find yourself having reactions in unique ways that may feel foreign to you. While most common reactions are considered normal, unexpected, seemingly uncontrollable emotional and/or physical reactions that can be disconcerting are also normal.
Read MoreFor as long as your child has been in a learning environment, you’ve noticed that they weren’t reaching their developmental milestones like other kids have. Others may have tried to reassure you by saying that your child would catch up before you knew it, but you felt as though there was more going on than being a “late bloomer”. After bringing it up with your child’s pediatrician or teacher, you likely began the process of evaluations and meetings with health professionals. It may have taken one evaluation, it may have taken years, but you finally know what’s leading your child to struggling in school.
Read MoreAlthough in most U.S. households couples share financial burdens, the role of Director of Home Life Operations still is mostly taken on by the identified woman in the relationship. According to research, women spend 37% more on unpaid household work than men. However, this statistic only covers the visible work — laundry, cooking meals, or cleaning up the living room. It doesn’t account for the mental load that women also primarily carry, often described as “the remembering to remember.” The burden of this work became more apparent when 900,000 women left the workforce due to the COVID-19 pandemic because it just wasn’t possible for them to fit all of the homework and work work into one day.
Read MoreThe work in friendship therapy would be very similar to the work done in family or couples therapy. As friends, you would come in and meet with the therapist. During the first session, the therapist will guide you through a series of questions and prompts to better understand each of you and your relationship as a whole. They might explore topics like:
Read MoreAs a couples therapist, one of the most common reasons that couples seek therapy is for support with managing conflict. I see so many couples that struggle with emotional regulation (tolerating uncomfortable or distressing emotions).
Read MoreIt doesn't matter if you're an adrenaline junky or a spontaneity monkey, humans crave routine and, for most of us, an element of predictability.
Read MoreWhen your child is having a hard time, it can be difficult to determine when to seek help. Consider the following questions when making a choice that feels right for you and your family.
Read MoreGrief is often equated to the loss of a person because of death. This is a common reason people attend grief therapy. However, there are other reasons that people experience grief as well.
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